Liquid beer yeast.
With apple vinegar, vitamin C, MSM and plant extracts.
- Enhances a maximum recovery of the pigeon after the race.
- Maintains an optimal pH in the stomach and increases the resistance to stress.
- Reinforces the immune system.
- Contains the essential amino acids for the development of the muscles and the plumage.
Excellent in combination with Vanergy 13000+, Van-Endurance 15500 and Vanaplume 14500. Can be administered throughout the year.
Directions for use:
1 tablespoon per kg feed:
- During the racing season: 2 to 3 times a week before the race, in combination with Vanergy 13000+ or Van-Endurance 15500, after the race, in combination with Vanergy 13000+ for a faster recovery.
- During breeding and during the weaning of the youngsters: 2 to 3 times a week.
- During the moulting: 3 times a week together with Vanaplume 14500.
Size: 500ml