Bacteria Category

What is a bacterial infection?

(Coccidiosis, E-Coli, Salmonella (Paratyphoid)Bacterial infections in birds is the most common type of sickness that is usually caused by hygiene, stress, weather, and genetic immunity. Some common types of bacteria are Coccidiosis, E-coli, and Salmonella (Paratyphoid) which generally reproduce in the intestinal flora, respiratory tracts, or external factors such as droppings and drinking water. Although common, bacterial infections can be prevented by stimulating bird’s intestinal flora on a regular basis (probiotics, apple cider vinegar, etc), thus strengthening their immune system, and by effectively medicating with the right antibiotic.

COCCI (Coccidiosis)

This problem can be caused by unsanitary conditions in the
loft and pigeons can get infected by picking seeds from floor
that have made contact with infected droppings.

Symptoms of Cocci:
• Loss of weight
• Slimy, dark-green droppings
• Lethargic, thirsty birds

Recommended Products:


Over 50% of young birds have problems with the Ornithosis
complex. Loss of or less desire to fly, loss of pigeons in the
races and poor results, both with old and young birds.

Symptoms of Ornithosis:
• Loss of condition
• Nasal secretions
• Decreased desire to fly
• Scratching the head and beak
• Swollen eye lids & wet eyes
• Sneezing, rattling & coughing
• Discolored wattles
• Slime in the throat

Recommended Products:
Enrofloxacin 10%
Spiradox Tablets
Doxycycline 20% powder
Doxy-Tyl Powder
Golden Eye Liquid (Herbots)
One Drop One Eye One Time Liquid (Dr.Pigeon)
Improver Powder (Pigeon Vitality)
Ornistop Tablets (Belgica De Weerd)
Amoxy-Tyl Powder
Bromhexine Powder

Paratyphoid (Salmonella)

Paratyphoid can be caused by unsanitary conditions and the
contamination of feed by rodents. It also can occur when
introducing new pigeons into the loft, without checking first
if they are healthy. Before putting new pigeons into the loft,
isolate and observe them for 14 days and put them on a
preventive medication.

Symptoms of Paratyphoid:
• Loss of condition and weight
• Green, slimy droppings
• Swelling of the legs and wing joints leading to limping
• Infertile eggs
• Twisted neck

Recommended Products:

Parasite Category

What is a parasite?

Parasites are most commonly microscopic organisms that live on or in other living organisms, benefiting themselves but not the host organism. Internal parasites, which occur inside various organs of the body, such as the stomach or intestines, include worms (e.g., tapeworms and roundworms), protozoa (e.g.,Giardia), and trichomonads. External parasites, infecting skin or feathers, include mites, fleas, and ticks.

WORMS (Hair, Round & Tape)

Generally appear in unsanitary loft conditions or letting
the pigeons pick around on the ground. They will maintain
appetite, as the worms consume most nutrition in the
pigeon’s digestive system.

Symptoms of Worms:
• Loss of condition
• Loss of weight
• Increased appetite
• Infertile eggs
• Bad droppings

Recommended Products:

Wormer Deluxe Powder
Ivermectin Liquid
Mediworm Tablets (Medpet)
Pigeon Wormout Tablets (Vetafarm)

Protozoan Category

What is a protozoan organism?

(Canker/ Trichomoniasis)Parasitic protozoan are not a bacteria, but are single-celled organisms that very commonly cause diseases such as Canker (Trichomonas). It needs moisture to survive, so protozoan organisms thrive in the bird’s crop, throat, mouth, and nasal cavities. They stimulate an inflammatory reaction to these particular areas which lead to the “cheesy, yellow growth” substance in their mouth, nostrils, or throat. Young birds are particularly susceptible to this type of organism due to their weakened immune system.


Candida is a yeast that infects and inflames the crop lining
which can slow down and hinder the digestion of food. High
periods of stress or over-medicating can cause Candida to
quickly multiply.

Symptoms of Candida:
• No desire to fly
• Undigested water or food in crop
• Loss of appetite
• Struggle to swallow

Recommended Product:
Medistatin Powder (Medpet)

Canker (Trichomoniasis)

Canker is caused by a flagellate, living on the mucous
membranes of the throat and the crop. It appears as a
yellow, cheesy substance, generally seen in the mouth,
however 10% of Canker is external, while 90% is internal. It
can break out at any age, particularly in youngsters still in
the nest.

Symptoms of Canker:
• Loss of appetite
• Problem digesting

Recommended Products:

Virus Category

What is a virus?

(Paramixovirus [PMV], Circovirus, Pox, Adenovirus) Viruses are much smaller and complex than bacteria, quickly reproduce, and need a living host in order to survive. It is spread through respiratory discharge in the air, contaminated food/water, feces, and cages/lofts. Not all birds may display symptoms, however, they may die suddenly. Unlike bacteria, a viral infection cannot be completely eradicated, but it could be suppressed and put dormant in their system, allowing the bird to recover.

Adeno-Coli Syndrome

The disease is mostly common in young birds and is a
combination of Adeno-Virus, which opens the way for a very
aggressive E-Coli bacteria, and often Circo Virus. The same
symptoms can be seen in Paramyxovirus, however in that
case the pigeons drink more and may have central nervous
issues, like twisting of the head.

Symptoms of Adeno-Coli Syndrom:
• Not listening
• Loss of appetite
• Loss of weigh
• Vomiting
• Brown green watery or slimy droppings
• Death

Recommended Products:

Paramyxovirus (PMV)

To prevent PMV, it is recommended that all birds are
vaccinated at least once a year. Young birds should be
vaccinated at 4 to 8 weeks of age, but no later than 4
weeks before the young-bird race season. Re-vaccinate all
birds 4 weeks before the breeding season. Once a pigeon
has PMV, there is very little you can do, and vaccinating
will have very little positive effect.

Symptoms of Paramyxovirus:
• Loss of weight
• Watery, green slimy droppings
• Twisting of neck and head

Recommended Products:
PMV Vaccine
LaSota Vaccine